Time Conditions
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Time Conditions is a feature that allows you to route your incoming calls to different destinations depending on the time of the call. For example, you can have a Time condition for your Non-Business hours and all the incoming calls you receive will be routed to a recording or the voicemail directly (you can also route to other options, like IVR, Call Forwarding entry, etc.)
For this guide, we are going to create a time condition to have the DID rings in the main account during the business hours (8am-6pm EST) and in the non-bussines hours the incoming calls will go to the voicemail.
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Tutorial Video
Setup a Time Condition
Create the Time Condition
Once you create a Time Condition you can assign it to many DID numbers as you want without the need to create it again. First you have to go to your Customer Portal >> DID Numbers >> Time Conditions
In the next screen, first we need to configure at least one criteria, you can configure up to 4 different criteria at the moment. For this example we only required one, let say that the business hours are from 8am to 6pm EST and Monday to Friday.
Important: All servers are set to Eastern Standard Time (EST), regardless of their geographic location. Compare your current time with server time to make proper adjustments in your time conditions. The VoIP.ms servers follow standard daylight saving time changes of the United States of America and Canada.
You will be able to see the current server time in this section displayed like so: Current server time: October XX, 20XX 13:24:23 (For example)
After that, we have these two options:
Destination if one of the conditions matches server time: This option will tell the server where the incoming call will be routed if the time match one of the criteria above.
Destination if no conditions matches server time: This option will tell the server where the incoming call will be routed if the time doesn't match any of the criterias above.
As you can see, you have several options to route the incoming calls: SIP/IAX (your main account or one of your subaccounts), IVR, Calling Queue, another Time Condition, a Call Forwarding, etc.
Because we only need that the calls are routed to the main account in business hours or the voicemail in the non-business hours, we set this two options accordingly.
To finish the time condition, you only need to Name it. You have maximum 15 characters available.
Route incoming calls from DID to your Time Condition
You need to go to your Customer Portal >> DID Numbers >> Manage DID(s).
I'm going to assume that you have already a DID number in your account. You need to select the DID number you want to apply the time condition and then click on Edit DID button (the icon with the pencil), also you can select more than one DID and click on the Edit Selection buttons.
At this point you should be in the Edit DID Settings page, the only setting you should be change is the Routing. You need to select the Time Conditions option and then select it from the dropdown menu on the right.
To finish only apply the changes and you should have the Time Conditions working for the DID.
Time conditions using the Reseller Interface
The feature is available for your client through the Reseller interface. You must enable this feature in your package in order to give them the ability to leverage this.
Go under the navigation bar on [Reseller] then click on [Manage Rates & Packages]
Click on the Edit button to edit your package, or click on [Create a new package] to create a new one.
Go under the [Reseller System Configuration] Tab, and on the section "Type of configuration" select: [Package Configuration],
Then scroll down and find the feature "Time conditions", and enable it.
1) To add a new Time Condition for your client, or to help your client adding one. Go under the [Services] at the left navigation bar, then on [Time Condition].
2) Once on the page, click on [Add new Time Condition] tab. You will need to enter some basic information, such as the Name, the criteria (At least one), and the routing when the conditions match and doesn't match the criteria you've entered.
3) Click [Save Time condition]
Your Time Condition has been created successfully... You can select this Time Condition in your DID Routing, Failover options, IVR, Time Conditions, Queue etc.