Two-step Verification - Wiki

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Two-step Verification

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The Two-step verification system adds an extra layer of security to your account. Once activated, the next time you will log in into your portal, you will be prompted to a second verification step which consists of a six-digit code which you will receive on your e-mail. When you enter your code, you may also choose not to ask again for a specific browser, this simply means that you will not be prompted to a second verification step again when you sign in from this very specific browser. However, if you sign in from any other device or browser, you will be prompted to a second verification step.

We do offer TOTP Authentication, you can find a guide about it  here

To enable the two-step verification, log in to your customer portal and from the "Main Menu” > "Account Setting" > Security" Tab.


⚠️ Make sure to click on the checkbox and hit the apply button to save the changes.

Once two-step verification has been enabled, the next time you log in to your account you will be presented with a new screen asking for a 6 digits code.


This numeric code will be automatically generated by the system and sent via email to the email address registered on your account.
If you don't receive the email with the security code, you can generate a new one and it will be sent again to your email.


The code has a 15 minutes expiration time and can be typed in or directly copy-paste from the email.
At this screen, you can also choose to check the box for the system to not ask you again for the numeric code as long as you are using the same browser. If the box is not checked, the system will always perform the entire two-step verification process.


You can now click on Login button to access your account.

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