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Softphone.Prop is a great solution for call center agents, sales pros and support teams.

Offers instant click-to-call, screen pop-up integration with any 3rd party CRM and Helpdesk software, online reporting, call and screen recording, as well as agent's personal stats in a special window.

You can use it either alone application or together with a dashboard addon.


Basic setup

Setting up Softphone.Pro with your SIP credentials

Step 1 - Download and install Softphone.Pro from this link. If you don't have a license yet you can try it for 14 days.

Step 2 - Start Softphone.Pro, click on Outbound Account, then click on the + Add Account option.

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Step 3 - Make sure you are on the SIP Account section and set up the new account using the following configuration:

  • Account name: Any name of your choice. For example, it can be just "", or "My Account".
  • SIP server: Any of the multiple servers available with (E.g. You can check the list here. We recommend using one close to your location.
  • Login: Your Main account or sub account username (six digit number) E.g. 123456 / 123456_XXXX (the underscore has to be used for sub-accounts)
  • Password: The password you set for the account / sub account.
  • Display name: You can set here your name or your company name to be passed along with the Caller ID number (Please check below important information about the Display Name).
  • Authorization name: This can be the same set as your Login or you can leave it blank.
  • Domain: The same server set as SIP Server.
  • SIP Proxy: The same server set as SIP Server.
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*Note 1: New accounts have received these main SIP/IAX credentials by e-mail when the account was created. By default, your 
main SIP/IAX password is the same you use to log into your customer portal, however, for old accounts they could be 
different if the portal password has been changed in the past. If you're not sure about your Main SIP/IAX password, 
update it from your customer portal at Main Menu>> Account Settings>> Security tab>> Main SIP/IAX password.
Note 2: Bear in mind to use the same VoIP server your VoIP number is using. You can check what VoIP server 
your VoIP number is using, from your customer portal at DID Numbers>> Manage DIDs, under POP column.  
You can choose any server you want, as long as the one in your portal and the one in this field matches, otherwise, 
incoming calls won't ring.

Step 4 - At this point your account should be marked with a Green dot next to its name. This means your Softphone.Pro is ready to start placing calls. In case of failure, your account will be marked on Red and will display an error.

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Finally, you can check if your account is registered from your customer portal, at the main page. If your account is now registered and you have set your caller ID number for outgoing calls, you will be able to start placing outgoing calls.

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Note 3: Bear in mind to set the Caller ID Number for your outgoing calls from your customer portal. If you're using the 
main account at Main Menu>> Account Settings>> General tab>> Caller ID Number. If you're using a sub account at 
Sub accounts>> Manage Sub Accounts>> Edit Sub-account (orange icon with a pen)>> Caller ID Number.
IMPORTANT for Name/Display Name field (Outbound callerID Name):
  - We suggest entering your outbound Caller ID Name in capital letters. This will appear more clearly/visible on some devices.
  - You must NOT use any special characters, they will not be displayed. 
  - Enter a max of 15 characters. Some of regular Canadian providers will not show more than 15 characters max. We suggest shrinking or adapt your caller ID. 
  - Spaces are allowed in a caller id name.

Advanced setup and features

Audio codecs

In order to use only supported codecs by please go to Settings (headset icon on the top left corner) >> SIP Settings and scroll down to the section Audio Codecs. You can hover over any codec and move it to the other column or change the order by using the gray arrow buttons. We suggest keeping audio codecs G722, G711 u-law, and G729 in Selected Codecs column and in this order.

Note 4: uses G711 by default so, to use G722 or G729 as the primary codec, please disable G711u from the customer portal at 
Main Menu >> Account Settings >> Advanced tab. 
If you are using a Sub-Account, you have to do it from Sub Accounts >> Manage Sub Accounts >> Edit (the pencil icon) and then click on 
"Advanced options - Click here to display".
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Call Encryption TLS/SRTP

If you decide to use SIP TLS - call encryption along with Softphone.Pro please follow these steps:

1. Make sure your Main account or sub-account has "Encrypted SIP Traffic" enabled.

Bear in mind, if this setting is enabled and your device sends UDP/TCP or RTP you will be rejected 
with error code 488.

Enable this setting for the Main Account at Main Menu>> Account settings>> Advanced tab.

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For a sub-account enable it at Sub accounts>> Manage sub-accounts by clicking on the orange icon with a pen and finally click at "Advanced Options (Click here to display)".

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2. Now that your account/sub-account has this setting enabled, your Softphone.Pro only needs to send TLS and SRTP.

To enable TLS, go to Settings>> SIP Accounts>> Your Account and change the following options there:

  • Media encryption: Mandatory.
  • Transport: TLS.
Note 5: When using TLS is very important to specify the number of the server, in case the server's name doesn't have the number "1" included, you need to add it. 
Adding any of the SIP ports 5061/5081/42873 at the end of the SIP Server might be required too (E.g.
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You can check if Softphone.Pro is fully registered and using SIP-TLS protocol from your customer portal at Home page, Main menu>> Portal Home for each account/sub account registered or at Sub Accounts>> Manage Sub accounts tab to see all of your Sub Accounts registration status.

A green padlock Green padlock.png will appears on the right of "Registered" in green. If you don’t see the padlock, you need to revalidate some configuration.

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SMS Configuration SMS settings introduced SMS messaging in their 5.3 version* and this can be configured with your DIDs for outbound texting.

In go to "Settings" and click on the "Messaging" section.

There, check the option Enable messaging and texting (SMS).

Also, set Messaging communication protocol to SIP MESSAGE.

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 *IMPORTANT: Make sure you have installed the 5.3 version or newer to be able to use SMS with
 *IMPORTANT: Currently is only possible outbound messaging with 
 Inbound is yet to be released but you can use the alternatives offered by to get your inbound messages. 
 Check the SMS wiki article for more information.
 *IMPORTANT: Please note MMS is not supported via SIP. SMS configuration

To make use of the SMS service of in you need to make sure the following options are properly set up:

  • SMS is enabled: From the settings of your DID make sure the SMS service is active. This can be done from DID numbers >> Manage DIDs >> Edit (the pencil icon). You will find the SMS settings at the end of this page.
  • SMS SIP Account is enabled: Still from the DID settings you need to enable the option "Link the SMS received to this DID to a SIP Account" and select the SIP Account you used to register
  • The Caller ID number is a DID with SMS enabled: In the settings of the SIP account (Main or Sub), make sure the Caller ID number set is the DID you enabled SMS for. The CallerID Number option is available for the Main Account at Main Menu >> Account Settings >> General. For a Sub-Account go to Sub Accounts >> Manage Sub Accounts >> Edit (the pencil icon).
 IMPORTANT: To see more details about the SMS configuration for SIP Messaging please refer to this Wiki article.

Guide Links

Softphone.Pro Help: Knowledge Base

Softphone.Pro Contact: Contact Us

Softphone.Pro SMS guide: Messaging in Softphone.Pro

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