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Ring Groups

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The Ring Group feature allows you to have incoming calls to be redirected to different destinations that are included in your Ring Group, where a member of the group is able to answer. When you receive a call to a DID routed to a Ring Group, all members of that group will ring at the same time until one of them answers the call. You can add various types of members to a ring group: Main Account, Sub Accounts, SIP URI's, Call Forwarding.

You can also select which voicemail should be used by the system in case none of the members answer the call. The limit of members in a Ring Group is 12: Up to 8 (SIP, IAX2, or SIP URI) members and up to 4 call forward entries per each Ring Group.


Blog Article

The Benefits of Ring Groups

Tutorial Video


Creating a Ring Group Entry

From your main portal please refer to DID Numbers -> Ring Group. You will have to click on the link that reads Click here to create a new ring group. Then another screen will prompt and you will have to enter the following information:

Description: This can be used as a note or description to easily identify your ring groups.

Caller Announcement: This setting is optional. You can select the default announcement or one of your own recordings to be played to the caller before sending the call to the Ring Group. Please note if a Recording is selected, the call will start being charged immediately even before a member answers.

Music the caller will hear while the call is answered:: This setting is also optional. The caller will hear the selected music while the members of the Ring Group are dialed. If set to 'No music', the caller will hear the normal ringing. Please note if the Music on Hold is set to "Yes", the call will start being charged immediately even before a member answers.

The following options for music are available:

Music on Hold
Test Code Name Description
***89 Away in the Tropics From Hawaii to the Caribbean, these tracks deliver sounds of ukulele, steel drums, and steel guitars.
***90 Coffee and Sunrise Uplifting without being perky, and positive without being too smiley.
***91 Coffee Shop Acoustic Soothing, acoustic guitar tracks makes for a relaxed feel and sets a great atmosphere.
***92 Easy Listening Smooth, casual tunes.
***93 Guitar Alchemy Clever harmonics and progressive chord sequences to create a joyful and warming musical experience.
***94 Happy Endings Uplifting, commercial style. Guitar, drums, ukulele, harmonica and bells.
***95 Light and Casual Soothing and peaceful songs with a light, positive feeling.
***96 Orchestral Moods Emotional and dramatic tales spun by violins, pianos and full orchestras.
***97 Piano Mix Smooth Piano
***98 Rock me Easy Feel-good music to create a relaxing atmosphere.
***99 Spa Sounds Soft, slow and serene instrumentals.
***100 No music, Intermittent bleep Silent, but with a subtle intermittent bleep sound to let your callers know that they are still on the line while they hold.

Language: Here you can select the language used for the "Default Announcement" recording selected in the Caller Announcement section presented to the Caller and the "Press One to take the Call" recording presented to the Callee. You have the choice between English, French, and Spanish.

Members: Here you can select the members of the ring group. Your account currently has a Ring Group restriction limit of up to 8 SIP, IAX2 or SIP URI members and/or up to 4 Call Forwarding entries, for a total of 12 possible members per Ring Group entry. You can set individual Ring Times for every member of your Ring Group as well as configure every member for Answer Confirmation by making them press the key "1" to take the call.

Voicemail: Optionally, you can select a Voicemail for this ring group that will override the default DID Voicemail.

Finally, just hit the Create button and you will be done creating your entry. Please keep your Ring Groups up to date by removing inactive members.


Routing your DID to your Ring Group

After you have created your Ring Group entry, you will need to route any of your DIDs to your Ring Group entry from your main portal.

Please refer to DID Numbers -> Manage DID -> | Edit DID -> Routing -> Ring Group. Also under the same menu screen, you can select your Ring Group entry for the Additional Failover Options.

Remember that you need to scroll down and apply the settings to have them changed.

Ring Group using the Reseller Interface

The feature is available for your client through the Reseller interface. You must enable this feature in your package in order to give them the ability to leverage this.

Go under the navigation bar on [Reseller] then click on [Manage Rates & Packages]

RingGroup Reseller 1.png

Click on the Edit button to edit your package, or click on [Create a new package] to create a new one.

RingGroup Reseller 2.png

Go under the [Reseller System Configuration] Tab, and on the section "Type of configuration" select: [Package Configuration],

RingGroup Reseller 3.png

Then scroll down and find the feature "Ring Group", and enable it.

RingGroup Reseller 4.png

1) To add a new Ring Group for your client, or to help your client adding one. Go under the [Services] at the left navigation bar, then on [Ring Group].

RingGroup Add.png

2) Once on the page, click on [Add new Ring Group] tab. You will need to enter some basic information, such as the Group Name, Music on Hold, Voicemail when no answers, etc.

Select all the location you want to make ring at the same time.

RingGroup Add 2.png

3) Click [Save Ring Group]

Your Ring Group has been created successfully... You can select this Ring Group in your DID Routing, Failover options, IVR, Time Conditions, etc.

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