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Linphone iOS

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Revision as of 16:41, 3 March 2021 by Scomtois (Talk | contribs)
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Configuration Detail

  • Open Linphone


  • Select the option Use SIP Account.


  • Fill in the information according to your account
    • Username: 100000 (Your Main SIP User ID or Sub Account ID).
    • Password: Your Main SIP password or Sub Account password.
    • Domain:
    • Display Name: Your name or company name. (See the requirements below)
    • Transport: UDP or TCP.
Note: can be replaced with any of the servers available with You can see the list here.
IMPORTANT for Display Name:
  - We suggest entering your outbound Caller ID Name must be in capital letters. This will appears more clearly/visible on some devices.
  - You must NOT use any special characters, they will not be displayed. 
  - Enter a max of 15 characters. Some of regular Canadian providers will not show more than 15 characters max. We suggest shrinking or adapt your caller ID. 
  - Spaces are allowed in a caller id name.

  • Click on the Login button
  • Your Linphone should be ready to make calls
  • To confirm that you have registered this softphone properly, you can make a call to the Echo test application (dial 4443).

Additional configuration

  • Go to the Account settings in Linphone and enable "More options" to see all the available settings.


  • In order to receive incoming calls all the time enable "Push Notification" and set 300 for "Expire".


  • For better results, in the Network settings of Linphone disable the option "Random port" and set the port 5060, 5080 or 42872 (For encryption 5061, 5081 or 42873). Also, set the range 10000 - 20000 for the Audio ports.

Configuring Linphone with Encryption

If you decided to use SIP TLS - call encryption along with Linphone please follow these steps:

1. Make sure your Main account or sub-account has "Encrypted SIP Traffic" enabled.

Bear in mind, if this setting is enabled and your device sends UDP/TCP or RTP you will be rejected 
with error code 488.

Enable this setting for the Main Account at Main Menu>> Account settings>> Advanced tab.

Click to enlarge

For a sub-account enable it at Sub accounts>> Manage sub-accounts by clicking on the orange icon with a pen and finally click at "Advanced Options (Click here to display)".

Click to enlarge

2. Now that your account/sub-account has this setting enabled, your Linphone needs to send TLS and SRTP.

LinphoneiOSTLS1.jpeg LinphoneiOSTLS2.jpeg

  • You have to select TLS as the transport type when adding the account.
  • If the account is already added go to the Account settings in Linphone so you can edit this option.


  • Finally, from the Call settings in Linphone set "Media encryption" to SRTP and enable "Media encryption mandatory".
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