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Cisco SPA525G

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The Cisco SPA525G 5-line IP Phone with Color Display is a full-featured VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone that provide voice communication over an IP network. It provides traditional features, such as call forwarding, redialing, speed dialing, transferring calls, conference calling, and accessing voice mail. Calls can be made or received with a handset, headset or speaker.

Your Cisco IP Phone provides a web interface for the phone user that allows you to configure some features of your phone by using a web browser.

This article will guide you through the steps for basic configuration to make it work with

Step 1
Get the IP address of your phone

a. Press Setup.
b. Select to Status > Network Status.
c. Scroll to view IP Address. This is the IP address of your phone.

You should now have a number which is similar to

Step 2
Logging in to the Phone Web User Interface

  • On your PC, open a Web browser window. Your PC must be on the same subnetwork as the phone.
  • Enter the IP address in the browser address bar.

You will now see this screen:

525 1.gif

  • Click on the "Admin Login" button near the top right side of the screen, then click on the "Ext 1" tab.
525 2.gif

Step 3
Configure with your account

Find the following fields on the "Ext" tab and configure accordingly.

Nat Keep Alive: Yes
Nat Mapping/Traversal: Yes
Proxy: (one of the multiple servers, you can choose the one closer to your location.)
Register Expires: 300
Display Name: Your outbound callerID Name (See the requirements below) (Replace with your name or company name)
User ID: 100000 (Replace with your 6 digits Main SIP account UserID or Sub Account user name, e.g. 123456 or 123456_sub)
Password: ******** (SIP Account Password)
DNS SRV Auto Prefix: NO

IMPORTANT for Display Name:
  - We suggest entering your outbound Caller ID Name must be in capital letters. This will appears more clearly/visible on some devices.
  - You must NOT use any special characters, they will not be displayed. 
  - Enter a max of 15 characters. Some of regular Canadian providers will not show more than 15 characters max. We suggest shrinking or adapt your caller ID. 
  - Spaces are allowed in a caller id name.

*If a second extension is needed, click on "Ext 2" and repeat Step 3. Please make sure to increment the SIP port by one. For example, Ext 1 SIP port: 5060;
Ext 2 SIP port: 5061. Make sure you also click on Phone Tab to route the Extensions to the proper lines.

Step 4

Configure your dial plan

This step can be considered optional however this is a dial plan that is optimized to work with service.

Find the dial plan section of your line and enter the following string:


If done properly, after completing all these steps your phone will now be ready to place and receive calls!


User´s Manual

keywords: SPA525

Guide Links

In the event where you need the guide directly from Cisco, you may find the admin manual guide below:

Admin Manual : Download PDF

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